Solution Architect: Skill Sets, Career Paths and Must-Haves

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Solution Architect: Skill Sets, Career Paths and Must-Haves

Depending on the development of their data unit, they would also need to coordinate with third-party data suppliers to develop architecture-compliant guidelines. A data architect calculates how information is safeguarded and who can control it. Further, this professional must ensure compliance with data-related rules, regulations, and guidelines. Consider healthcare data that contains confidential details, referred to as protected health information (PHI), and is bound by HIPAA regulations.

roles and responsibilities of solution architect

We have 15+ years of experience in providing business solutions for multiple industries like fintech, healthcare, construction, logistics, eCommerce, and others. Over these years, we have gathered a top-skilled team of prominent experts, including software architects. We now anticipate that you have answers to all the pertinent questions regarding – What is a solutions architect and more. We are a leading mobile app development company and can assist all-scale businesses with all app development services.

Solutions Architect: Roles and Responsibilities

The decision to hire a Solution Architect is a pivotal one that businesses often grapple with. Software or technical architect is mainly in charge of engineering problems solution architect performance goals and software architecture. We have a detailed article describing the role of a software architect and the importance of this position to the company’s success.

  • Usually, a product has a number of stakeholders that are both technical and non-technical specialists.
  • Some examples of solutions architecture include developing cloud infrastructure for efficiency, implementing microservices for ecommerce, or adopting security measures for data, systems, and networks.
  • Most of the time in their role they will analyze and lead software engineers and application architects to complete their projects.
  • This tool leverages technology to make decisions quickly, map designs, and manage possible outcomes and risks of the chosen solution.
  • Overall, the work of these specialists is much more business-oriented than the tasks of their solution and technical counterparts.
  • Multiple programming languages, libraries, frameworks, standards, and architectural patterns are available, and each has different tech stack requirements.

The role consists of many subprocesses that draw from various other IT viewpoints. An enterprise architect is a role that defines and governs the overall architecture of an organization, across multiple domains, systems, and solutions. An enterprise architect establishes the enterprise architecture vision and strategy, as well as the enterprise architecture framework and principles. An enterprise architect also aligns the enterprise architecture with the business strategy and objectives, and ensures that the enterprise architecture supports the current and future needs of the organization.

Solution Architects focus on:

So, why are data architects necessary in the first place, given that companies could hire data scientists, data analysts, and other data experts? Without these specialists, data security compliance and data flow can be compromised. The architect determines how the other members of the data science team and the company as a whole will construct these systems and manage stored data. An IT solution architect is a professional in charge of developing a comprehensive architecture for a future software solution. They also have to provide a clear strategy throughout the whole software development process.

roles and responsibilities of solution architect

The initial high-level design will need to be monitored to confirm that it is consistent and compared with the solution’s overall design. Business owners often think about effectiveness, productivity, cutting costs, optimization, etc, while software engineers worry more about specific engineering challenges. The solution architect works directly on the project while the business analyst develops the requirements. These specialists are responsible for the project vision that underlies the solution and translates that vision into reality. Solutions architects early in their career report earning an average salary of $94,000 per year.

Roles and Responsibilities of Solution Architect

They also need to be able to resolve problems and address bugs that might arise during the development process. Although some of the most common degrees solutions architects hold are bachelor’s degrees in information technology, computer science, or software information. According to Zippia, 66 percent of solutions architects have a bachelor’s degree, and 24 percent have a master’s [3]. A candidate with an MBA in information systems may also be a good fit for a role as a solutions architect. The solution architect role also requires being able to project into the future and consider upcoming uses.

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A technical architect
This specialist has nothing to do with the business side of the solution, e.g. calculating the project budget and participating in meetings with stakeholders. Their focus is on how to best implement a particular solution from the tech angle, i.e. arranging the optimal combination of programming languages, frameworks, APIs, and so on. These experts usually get to work after receiving guidance and instructions from a solution architect, and they closely consult with the engineers. Platform Engineering 
Platform engineering is the discipline of building and operating self-service internal development platforms. Each platform is a layer, created and maintained by a dedicated product team, designed to support the needs of its users by interfacing with tools and processes.

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A solution architect finds the required software solution and works with a clear project vision and a clear understanding of the client’s business requirements. To solve customer business challenges, we’ve assembled a team of 9 experts, including DevOps practitioners with deep expertise in IT structure management and software development. Our team has conducted in-depth analysis and built a SaaS-based architecture initiating automation and switching to electronic document management, complying with FDA and ISO requirements.

Share your open role with qualified solution architects using the world’s largest professional network. Solution Architect responsibilities include testing and integrating program software systems to address and solve specific business problems within an organization. In short, this specialist comes into play after a business analyst finishes prioritizing features and eliciting limitations. Their core task is to create exhaustive documentation, e.g. well-elaborated specifications and thorough diagrams. Solution architect’s role and their place in a team can be illustrated as follows.

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The use of technologies such as AI, cryptocurrency, the Internet of Things and cloud computing is driving concern about the related energy consumption and environmental impacts. This makes it more critical to ensure that the use of IT becomes more efficient, circular and sustainable. In fact, Gartner predicts that by 2027, 25% of CIOs will see their personal compensation linked to their sustainable technology impact. Aligning CTEM assessment and remediation scopes with threat vectors or business projects, rather than an infrastructure component, surfaces not only the vulnerabilities, but also unpatchable threats.

roles and responsibilities of solution architect

In many cases, the solution architect will just act as a support for the existing project manager leading a team. As such, how well they can do their job will involve a careful balancing act that juggles different personalities, goals, origins, and viewpoints. Designing cloud and hybrid systems that use Microsoft Azure, including computing, network, storage, monitoring, and security, is a specialty of the Azure Solutions Architect. In addition to this, a solutions architect is also skilled in governance, data platforms, disaster recovery, virtualization, identity management, and IT operations. An IT solutions architect is responsible for creating and implementing an IT architecture that satisfies the intended business requirements.

What is a Solution Architect: Responsibilities and Role on a Project

This gives them a strong understanding of the tools and technologies involved in designing solutions. Five to 10 years of hands-on experience in network administration or information technology systems is common, but it varies based on what a specific company is looking for. In general, solution architect roles and responsibilities include designing a solution architecture and implementing it in practice.

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